dr Ewa Dragańska, PhD

 Born in 1963 in Krasnosielec; field: agricultural sciences; discipline: agriculture and horticulture; specialization: climatology, agrometeorology.

The place of emploee: The Department of Water Management, Climatology and Environmental Management; dr: 2002; dr hab. 2011; number of original publications: 60; promoted doctors 1; reviews for the academic degree 3; reviews for the position and academic title - 1; publication reviews - 15; positions / functions held by UWM professor; scientific societies / committees. Member of the Polish Geophysical Society, the Polish Horticultural Society and the Polish Society of Ecological Engineering; multiple awards of the Rector of UWM for achievements in the field of science and organizational activity; other:

Scientific and research interests focus mainly on issues related to:

- The impact of meteorological conditions on the growth, development and yielding of crops,

- Assessment of climate conditions, agroclimate and bioclimate of the north-eastern Poland area.

He conducts classes in the following subjects: Meteorology and climatology, Agrometeorology, Agrometeorological protection of agriculture Civilization threats and sustainable development, Biometeorology and health threats, Forest mesoclimate, Weather, climate, human.

In the period 1.10.2012 - 31.12.2015 she was the project manager of POKL. / 12 - "Environmental Protection is Skills, Knowledge, Possibilities",

As a contractor, she participated in the implementation of research projects, including - Adaptation of Agriculture in European Regions at Environmental Risk Under Climate Change (ADAGIO)
under the 6th Framework Program of the EU, priority 8, Specific Support Actions type; KBN grants: - Climatic valorization of the agricultural production space of the Masurian Lake District; Yield-forming factors - plant yielding; Climatic conditions for the development and yielding of horse beans in Poland. She completed an internship at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management and a didactic internship at Mendel University In Brno, Departament of Agrosystems and Bioclimatology

Actively participates in the work for the Faculty, incl. as a member of the Faculty Electoral Commission, a member of the Faculty Team for Education Quality Assurance, the Chairperson of the Faculty Teaching Subcommittee for the direction of OŚ, RES, GSOiM, UWM representative for cooperation with IMWM, Department Coordinator of the implementation of the "UWM Development Program in Olsztyn" co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund from the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program.