
mgr Joanna Kotarska

Joanna Kotarska graduated in Music Education from the Higher School of Pedagogy in Olsztyn in 1988. Since that time she has been employed at the Department of Music Education of the Higher School of Pedagogy in Olsztyn, at present - the Institute of Music at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. She is an accompanist during conducting classes. In the course of the previous years she was also responsible for teaching principles of music, score reading, music literature for children as well as the school instrument. What is more, she worked as a teacher of music education in Primary School No 24 in Olsztyn in classes I-IV, and she conducted rhythmicity classes in Olsztyn's kindergartens as well. In the years 1989-1997 she hosted concerts from the series ''Spotkania z Panią Muzyką" (''Meetings with Mrs Music'') for kindergartens as well as concerts from the series ''Spotkania z Muzyką" for primary school pupils organized by the Concert Bureau of the F. Nowowiejski Philharmonic Hall in Olsztyn. She also acted as an accompanist of the vocal-instrumental ensemble ''Pax et Bonum" attached to the Orzeł Biały Primary School No 18 Olsztyn. It was with her participation that the ensemble performed during many celebrations and concerts organized in Olsztyn, in the region of Warmia and Mazury as well as abroad (Germany 2004, Lithuania 2005) and recorded 2 CDs. The artistic co-operation resulted in receiving in 2006 a statuette and a title Przyjaciel Szkoły Podstawowej nr 18 w Olsztynie (A Friend of Primary School No 18 in Olsztyn). In the years 2006-2008 she co-operated with the Miejski Zespół Profilaktyki i Terapii Uzależnień (The Municipal Complex of Prevention and Therapy of Addictions) realizing a programme addressed to children and youth ''Mogę być artystą" (''I can be an artist''). Since 2007 she has been conducting regional auditions of school choirs as part of the all-Polish Programme of the Development of Choral art ''Śpiewająca Polska" (''The singing Poland'') realized under the patronage of the National Centre of Culture in Warsaw. In 2010 she was an artistic and organizational supervisor of the trip on the part of the students of the Institute of Music to the M. Luter University in Halle where they participated in concerts within the framework of the Międzynarodowa Akcja "Tandem" (the International Action ''Tandem'') realized by the University of Warmia and Mazury as well as the ŻAK Foundation of the UWM together with the Studentenwerk Halle and the M. Luter University in Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. She also organized a concert summing up the International Action ''Tandem" at the UWM, Olsztyn.

During the course of all those years she has been involved in organizational activity, among others she has performed the function of a secretary of post-graduate studies ''Współczesne techniki nauczania muzyki i kreatywność kulturalna nauczyciela w środowisku" (''Contemporary techniques of teaching music and teacher's cultural activity in the commmunity'') as well as ''Muzyka w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej" (''Music in early years education''), she was also a secretary of the all-Polish academic conferences organized by the Institute of Music, a member of the Council of the Department of the Arts in the years 2009-2012, and since 2009 she has been a member of the Departmental Didactic Committee as well as the Council of the Institute of Music. She has been awarded a statuette and a title Personality of the Year 2011 of the Department of the Arts and the Institute of Music for her activity on behalf of the Department of the Arts and the Institute of Music in Olsztyn.