Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy Programów UE - strona główna



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Materiały do pobrania

7. Program Ramowy- informacje ogólne


Untitled Document

25 - 29 May 2009
The Dutch Life Sciences sector is developing fast. The need for talented scientists is strong, despite worldwide economic downturn.

Talented researchers from outside the Netherlands are encouraged to explore the opportunities in the Dutch Life Sciences sector and to find their next job here. The International Talent Programme is especially designed to help foreign researchers to get insight in their career possibilities in the Netherlands. It aims to recruit new employees for the Dutch Life Sciences sector by bringing international talent in contact with renowned research institutes and companies. During a five-day VIP programme (from 25 - 29 May 2009) the participants visit several Dutch Life Sciences hot spots, participate in BCF Event - the largest career event in the Netherlands for the Life Sciences - and have individual job interviews with employers. In total 50 persons will be selected for participation, free hotel and a travel bursary. Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to € 250 for European candidates and € 650 for candidates outside Europe.
The registration is open to MSc and PhD students and graduates with a background in Life Sciences & Health, who are resident outside the Netherlands, but are seriously interested in a career in the Netherlands.

Deadline for application is: 15 March 2009.


Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy
Informacje ogólne na temat 7 Programu Ramowego
Przwodnik po ofertach stypendialnych - 'Wyjazdy za granicę' Regionalnego Punktu Kontaktowego



projekt: Piotr Kucharzewski

programowanie: Leszek Ołdakowski