Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy Programów UE - strona główna



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7. Program Ramowy- informacje ogólne


Untitled Document
The Science & Technology Fellowship Programme (STF-China) of the European Commission offers funding for 30 researchers from EU member states who want to conduct or join a research project in a Chinese host institution. It is a pilot phase of an EC action in China aiming at building bridges between the EU and China in the Science & Technology domain.

The purpose of the Science & Technology Fellowship (STF-China) is to:

* facilitate participation of outgoing European researchers in Chinese research and development programmes
* establish sustainable links and research partnerships between EU and Chinese research institutions and between individual researchers.

STF-China offers financial support ca. 50.500 Euro per fellow.

The programme is planned for 24 months, including:

* a two-day pre-departure briefing in Brussels
* a six-month tailor-made Chinese language and research culture training in Beijing
* an 18-month practical research period in a Chinese host organisation.

 STF-China is open for research proposals from all disciplines as well as interdisciplinary projects. The applicants must hold an EU passport and have a minimum of 2 years of practical research work experience.

A European Sending Organisation may be any public or private scientific or research & development institution from EU that has either already established or can convincingly demonstrate an interest in establishing scientific co-operation with China.

Chinese Host Organisation shall be any Chinese National Research Laboratory or University laboratory. At the moment of applying for the STF China Programme, the applicant shall propose a host institution in China.

Deadline for submission of proposal: 5th September 2008
The programme will start in March 2009.

For more details about STF-China please check:

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy
Informacje ogólne na temat 7 Programu Ramowego
Przwodnik po ofertach stypendialnych - 'Wyjazdy za granicę' Regionalnego Punktu Kontaktowego



projekt: Piotr Kucharzewski

programowanie: Leszek Ołdakowski