Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy Programów UE - strona główna



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Horyzont 2020

Zasady uczestnictwa

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Informacje dla MŚP

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Centrum Euraxess!



Materiały do pobrania

7. Program Ramowy- informacje ogólne


Untitled Document

Call identification: NMP-2008-4.0-1
Development of nanotechnology-based systems for diagnosis and/or therapy for diabetes, musculo-skeletal or inflammatory diseases.

Tethis is an SME born in 2004 from the integration of scientific competencies of university researches and economic know-how of industrial partners. In summer 2005 the company becomes part of the Genextra Group.
Tethis main purpose is to develop new nanostructured materials exploiting different custom thin film deposition and powders production techniques. Major goal is the production of devices integrating nanostructured coatings
for applications in many fields, including biotechnology and biomedicine. The company is actively collaborating with major research institutes, like University of Milan and European Oncology Insitute (IEO).

Tethis is interested in the development of new diagnostic tools based on nanostructured materials synthesised with its technologies. Tethis has validated a new microarray technology for cell-based functional genomic assays: one of the company aim is to develop and validate the device by screening different cell lines (adherent and not adherent cells) for the screening of different biological phenotypes.

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Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy
Informacje ogólne na temat 7 Programu Ramowego
Przwodnik po ofertach stypendialnych - 'Wyjazdy za granicę' Regionalnego Punktu Kontaktowego



projekt: Piotr Kucharzewski

programowanie: Leszek Ołdakowski