Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy Programów UE - strona główna



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Horyzont 2020

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Centrum Euraxess!



Materiały do pobrania

7. Program Ramowy- informacje ogólne


Untitled Document

Please find attached two partner searches for FP7 projects
to be submitted in NMP thematic (nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies).

1.Title of the project:
Nanoporous metal surfaces for drug-eluting medical devices

Partners seeked for:
- Elaboration of nanoporous metal surfaces by ion implantation processes
----Surface functionalization to control delivery of molecules in liquid media
----Synthesis and efficiency of molecules linked with arteries’ diseases
----Synthesis and delivery efficiency of drug carrier
- Development of drug-eluting medical devices
- End-user for manufacturing drug-eluting devices,
development of products with arteries’ diseases features

Relation to Calls:
NMP-2008-2.1-2 Processing and upscaling of nano-structured materials
NMP-2008-2.3-1 Advanced implants and bioactive materials for critical organs

2.Title of the project:
Biosensors based on porous silicon for cancer diagnostics

Partners seeked for:
- Elaboration of porous silicon for enhanced photoluminescence properties
---- Development of sensor based on porous silicon
---- Functionalization for grafting of biological molecules
---- Detection of molecules linked with cancer development
- Development of biosensors for medical applications
- End-user for manufacturing biosensors
and portable Lab-on-Chip Diagnostic devices,
development of products with cancer diagnostics features
---- Company interested by the market of Point-of-Care (PoC) Diagnostics

Relation to Calls:
Converging sciences and technologies (nano, bio, info, cogni)

W przypadku zainteresowania prosimy o kontakt na e-mail :

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy
Informacje ogólne na temat 7 Programu Ramowego
Przwodnik po ofertach stypendialnych - 'Wyjazdy za granicę' Regionalnego Punktu Kontaktowego



projekt: Piotr Kucharzewski

programowanie: Leszek Ołdakowski