Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy Programów UE - strona główna



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7. Program Ramowy- informacje ogólne


Untitled Document
Dear all,

The Office for the European Knowledge Area of the Government of
Catalonia is interested in participating in the current open call of the
European Comission: CALL FP6-2006-Mobility-13 – Specific Support Action

Below please find more information on our proposal. If your are
interested in taking part in this project please contact us not later
than the 4th of April 2006.

EU Commission’s “Researchers’ Nights 2006 Call”


The European Commission (EC) has launched the Researchers’ Nights 2006 Call, with the main objective of enhancing the public recognition of researchers and their role in society and help convincing more young people to embark on scientific careers.
CALL FP 6-2006-Mobility-13 – Specific Support Action. Deadline for submission: 11th April 2006:

The proposals must consist of festive events that give scientists the chance to get closer to the society in a relaxed and informal way. The EC intends to select at least one Researchers’ Nights 2006 project per Member and Associate States with a co-financing which can range from 10.000 to 60.000 Euro per proposal.

Researchers’ Nights 2006 events must last one night (from 6.00 p.m. to 2.00 a.m.), and they must take place on the 22 of September 2006.

The EC encourages multipartnership projects and therefore other regions or countries participation would undoubtedly constitute a remarkable added value for this proposal.

Proposed activity

The project proposal “Research Your Mind” (RYM) consists of organising an evening event based on a game to be played by participants with different profiles such as scientists, politicians, journalists, young people and businessmen, who will be divided into 3 teams.

The RYM game will consist of 200 question cards. Each card will contain a science-related question with multiple choice answers (4 possible answers). The solution will be at the back including additional information and the link of the web page if required. The questions will cover the 7th Framework Programme themes addressed to improve the society’s awareness of the importance of the researcher’s role in society and to increase the attractiveness of the research career among young people.

A game chairman will read the questions and each team will have approximately 3 minutes to discuss and answer each question. The winner team may obtain invitations for museums, personalized tours to research laboratories and other activities related to science. The event will be open to the large public and specially young people, who will be invited to assist in the audience. A screen will be installed, so that the audience can follow the game. After the game, a live concert will take place with musicians from the research community. Drinks and snaks will be provided.

All participants will be in charge of the event organisation in their respective territories. The game will be played in the different regions and countries with the same questions translated into their language. Each region will have to co-finance its own expenses for taking part in this project.

The game has a high potential impact on European society. It will be disseminated as broadly as possible among the participants’ regions and countries being distributed as an educational tool in secondary schools, universities and also during other activities related to the dissemination of science, such as Science weeks and days. An online version will be created and will be available in each participant’s webpage. In addition, the game will be promoted within other EU and Associated countries.

The specific objectives addressed are the following:

1. Highlight the scientists role in society
2. Enhance the attractiveness of the research careers among young people
3. Increase the knowledge of society in research culture
4. Learn about the importance that research has for future Europe’s competitiveness and sustainability

If your are interested in taking part in this project please contact us not later than the 4th of April 2006.

Contact person:

Ms. Laia Lagunas Vila
European and International Projects’ Service
Office for the European Knowledge Area
Ministry of Universities, Research and the Information Society
Government of Catalonia
T. +34 93 552 69 17
F. +34 93 552 69 65

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy
Informacje ogólne na temat 7 Programu Ramowego
Przwodnik po ofertach stypendialnych - 'Wyjazdy za granicę' Regionalnego Punktu Kontaktowego



projekt: Piotr Kucharzewski

programowanie: Leszek Ołdakowski