The current website “Papers in Linguistics” can be found at this address:

Competences and responsibilities of individual authorities

Scientific Board:
1. Specifies the profile of the journal and oversees its maintenance.
2. Delineates an interdisciplinary area of research in language sciences.
3. Supervises the observance of the principles of ethics of science and informs the editor-in-chief of any cases of scientific misconduct.
4. Maintains the standard of the journal as well as its recognition in Poland and abroad.

1. Cooperates with scientific board members.
2. Supervises the work of the editorial staff.
3. Maintains the ethical standards and professional quality of the journal.
4. Oversees the selection of peer reviewers.
5. Cooperates with the Publishing House.
6. Makes decisions concerning the sequence in which the articles are published.

Editorial Board:
1. Collaborates with the editor-in-chief and subject editors in:
-making decisions about accepting a manuscript for further review or its rejection,
-choosing the volume editor.
2. Instigates procedures in cases of suspected ethics violation by authors or reviewers by notifying the appropriate authorities and disqualifying the manuscripts from publication when the violation is committed by the authors.
3. Approves the list of reviewers and passes it to the editor-in-chief.
4. Approves the manuscripts accepted for publication and presents them to the editor-in-chief.
Volume Editor
1. Monitors all submissions and their evaluation by subject editors.
2. Collaborates with the editorial board and subject editors on the list of reviewers.
3. Invites potential reviewers, obtains their agreement to review, sends the manuscripts for reviewing and remains in ongoing correspondence with the reviewers.
4. Sends the reviews to the authors.
5. Confirms that the reviews match the manuscripts. Checks whether the authors have responded to the comments and included the recommendations of the reviewers in their manuscripts.
6. Confirms that the manuscript is compliant with the journal’s editorial guidelines. If necessary, monitors the completion of the editorial requirements with the corresponding author.
7. Discusses content and language with the respective editors.
8. Checks that the content and editorial requirements are fulfilled by the authors prior to passing the manuscripts on to the Publishing House.
9. Collects edited manuscripts from the Publisher and sends them to the authors for proofreading.
10. Checks whether the revisions have been properly made and whether the content and form of the manuscript comply with the recommendations of the reviewers.
11. Forwards the final version of the manuscripts to the Publishing House.

Subject editor:
1. Makes the initial evaluation of the content and language of the manuscript.
2. Consults the volume editor on the selection of the reviewers depending on the subject area of the manuscript and the methodology adopted by the author(s).
3. Presents an opinion on the content value of the manuscript to the editorial board.
4. Cooperates with the volume editor on research and language issues.

Editorial Secretary:
1. Runs the database of submitted manuscripts and archive materials, makes electronic backups and stores printouts in a set order.
2. Informs the authors about the editorial board’s decision regarding the manuscript (its rejection or recommendation for further review).
3. Sends copies of issues to the authors, reviewers and members of the scientific board.
4. Handles correspondence on behalf of the journal.
5. Prepares any documents necessary for the development and promotion of the journal.

Language Editor:
1. Checks the language correctness of the texts submitted for printing.
2. Reports the issues of the journal to the national and international scientific databases which cooperate with Papers in Linguistics
3. Collaborates with the volume editor and subject editors on language correctness.

Statistical editor:
1. Supervises the correctness of statistical methods used by the authors.
2. Updates the journal’s website.
3. Monitors the Papers in Linguistics impact and citation rates and provides the editor-in-chief and the editorial board with the information on the data.

Editorial office:
1. Edits the journal.
2. Sends manuscripts for editorial and author’s proofreading.
3. Makes suggested changes and corrections.

UWM Publishing House:
1. Provides financial support and publishes Papers in Linguistics.
2. Uploads the current digital issue of Papers in Linguistics to the website.
3. Distributes copies of the legal deposit.
4. Sends issues to the databases in which Papers in Linguistics is indexed.

Prace Językoznawcze ISSN 1509-5304 Copyright © 2021
