Instruction to authors Polish Journal of Natural Sciences

Submission of papers

Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not being considered contemporaneously for publication elsewhere. Submission of a manuscript implies the consent of all participating authors. All papers will be independently refereed by two reviewers.
Manuscript should be submitted by the plarform

Types of contribution

Original research papers; review articles; short communications.


Instruction to authors Polish Journal of Natural Sciences 

Submission of papers

Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not being considered contemporaneously for publication elsewhere. Submission of a manuscript implies the consent of all participating authors. All papers will be independently refereed by two reviewers.

Manuscript should be submitted using publishing platform:

Authors are also requested to include a list of three potential reviewers (including affiliation of reviewers) during the manuscript submissions. Proposed reviewers cannot be from the same university from which the author belongs. Affiliate and e-mail address of each proposed reviewer should be provided.

Types of contribution

Original research papers; review articles; short communications.


Original in English should be provided, in double-spaced typing on A4 pages; TNR 12; 2,5cm all margins. The author(s) is responsible for the correct English translation of the paper. Before chapter References put the name of the translator.

Each paper should be divided under the following headings in this order:

1. A title of the paper must be concise and should unambiguously reflect its contents;

2. The names and addresses of authors and its ORCID numbers should follow the title with the author for correspondence clearly marked and e-mail address provided if possible;

3. Four or five keywords for the main topics of the paper; (-) an abstract not exceeding 150 words, reporting concisely on the major findings;

4. An introduction giving essential background with clearly stated objectives;

5. Materials and methods with sufficient full experimental details to allow the work to be repeated; sources of material must be given and statistical methods must be specified by references;

6. Results and discussion may be presented together or separately; results should be presented concisely; appropriate statistical date should be given; discussion should cover the implications and consequences, not merely recapitulating the results; 

7. Conclusions

8. Acknowledgments – optional.

9. References must be listed alphabetically at the end of the article:

- for periodicals give: name(s) and initial(s) of author(s), the year of publication, abbreviate journal title as in Chemical Abstracts, volume number, initial and final page numbers of article, for example:

Kessler R. 2011. Engineered nanoparticles in consumer products. Environ. Health Pers., 119(3): 120–125.

Weir A., Westerhoff P., Goetz n. 2012. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food and personal care. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46(4): 2242–2250.

Paola A., Marianna B., Palmisano L. 2013. Brookite, the least known TiO2 photocatalyst. Catalysts, 3: 36–73, doi:10.3390/catal3010036, access: 5.12.2021.

- for books: names and initials of all the authors, the year of publication, the name(s) of the editor(s) (if appropriate), the name of the publisher and the town and initial and final page numbers; for example:

Gao j.f. 2005. Plant physiology experimental guidance. Beijing: Higher Education Press. pp. 211–218.

Arnott H.J. 1995. Calcium oxalate in fungi. In: Calcium oxalate in biological systems. Ed.
S.R. Khan, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 73–111.

- for master or  Ph.D. thesis:

Ajani E.K. 2001. Effects of biotic and abiotic components of the habitat on fish productivity in Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria (Ph.D. thesis), Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan.

- for conference proceedings:

Sunday Y.A., Jenyo-oni A. 2018. Spatial and temporal variation of limnological features of
Eleyele Lake, Ibadan, Nigeria
. O.A Fagbenro et al. (eds). Proceedings of 1st Conference and
Annual general meeting “Science, Innovation and Aquabusiness”, University of Ibadan,
Ibadan, Nigeria. July 10–12, 2018, pp. 263–270.

- references in the text must be cited by name and year in parentheses, in alphabetical order; for example: (Berk et al. 2011, Wojtczak and Grala 1999);

- references must be written with small capitals;

- at least 1 work with Polish Journal of Natural Science should be cited in the article.


The method of giving the files title

- manuscript file title: first author`s name-beginning of manuscript title.doc; for example:   

Smith-Influence of temperature on piglets rearing.doc

- title of the manuscript file corrected after reviews:

Smith-Influence of temperature on piglets rearing.corrected.doc

- declaration of the originality of the article: Declaration.Smith.doc

- a file containing a list of proposed reviewers: Reviewer list.Smith.doc

- graphic attachments: Figure1.xlsx; Table1.doc etc.


Units and Abbreviations

SI units should be used. Abbreviations for units should be used only when long or unwieldy names occur frequently, and newer in the title. They should be given at the first mention of the name. Current recognised chemical nomenclature should be used, although commonly accepted trivial names may be used where there is no risk of ambiguity.

Figures, Mathematical Formulas and Tables

All graphic attachments must be submitted in an editable form.

Tables and Figures should be pasted after the text of the article along with their captions.

Mathematical and physical formulas should be presented in the MS Word formula editor.

Standard dividing lines should be kept in tables, without shading and colors; the title should be placed above the table. In the case of graphics, the title should appear below it.

Authors are encouraged to supply the electronic versions of figures after the acceptance of the paper. Figure drawings should be submitted in vector graphics form (Corel, Excel, Statistica, Word documents). Figure drawings developed in other specialist applications should be saved in Windows Metafile (*.wmf) format that can be imported to Corel.


All authors must sign the “Transfer of Copyright” agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables UWM Publishers to protect the copyrighted material for authors, but does not relinquish the authors propriety rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microform or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations, and includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machinereadable form and incorporation in retrieval system. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exist.


The responsible author will receive galley proofs which should be returned as soon as possible.  Corrections are restricted to orthography, punctuation, and errors caused by the compositor. Changes in wording will not be taken into consideration. The corresponding author will receive five copies of the issue with the manuscript and pdf file. Additional copies can be ordered at current printing prices.