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Registration is extended to June 11, 2012.


General information:

Registration for the IGS Workshop 2012 is by payment appropriate registration fee.


The registration fee includes the participation in the meeting, meals (lunches), free local transportation during workshop days, information & schedules book and abstract book.


Deadline date for registration is May 28, 2012.

Registration fees:

Regular participant               220 €
Ph. D. Student participant    110 €


Payment details:


Options of payment.

1. By Credit Card

Regular participant              220 €
Ph. D. Student participant   110 €

2. By Bank Transfer

IBAN: PL 38 1240 1590 1978 0000 1452 5810



Bank PKO S.A.
ul. 1-Maja 10
10-117 Olsztyn

Account owner:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski w Olsztynie
ul. Oczapowskiego 2
10-719 Olsztyn

To ensure proper passing of payments entry on an account registering person must include Name and subaccount number 0310-1101 in the name of payment.


All of the people tht already have paid registration fee through bank transfer should go to registrtion page and register.

Be sure to use Bank Transfer for Payment Method not Credit Card when registering.