These analyses were prepared for the following activities:

Polityka zagraniczna i współpraca transgraniczna w XXI wieku/ Foreign Policy of Poland and cross-border cooperation in the 21st century

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Współpraca międzynarodowa w XXI wieku. Rosja i świat/ International cooperation in the 21st century. Russia and the World

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Współpraca międzynarodowa w XXI wieku - perspektywa feministyczna/ International cooperation in the 21st century – feminists perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference
  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research

Polityka zagraniczna Rosji i współpraca transgraniczna w XXI wieku/ Foreign Policy of Russia and cross-border cooperation in the 21st century

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Współpraca międzynarodowa w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego w XXI wieku. Perspektywa polska/ International cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st century. Polish perspective

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Współpraca międzynarodowa w regionie bałtyckim w XXI wieku. Perspektywa rosyjska/ International cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st century. Russian perspective

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Społeczne i ekonomiczne implikacje małego ruchu granicznego/ Social and economic implications of the local border traffic

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research

Teoria i praktyka dyplomacji w XXI wieku/ Theory and practice of diplomacy in the 21st century

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn
  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Nowy wymiar współpracy transgranicznej. Polska perspektywa/ New dimension of cross-border cooperation. Polish perspective

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Polityczne implikacje małego ruchu granicznego/ Political implications of the local border traffic

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Mały ruch graniczny i współpraca transgraniczna. Perspektywa UE/ Local border traffic and cross-border cooperation. European Union perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Teoria i praktyka dyplomacji w XXI wieku. Perspektywa Rosji/ Theory and practice of diplomacy in the 21st century. Russian perspective

  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Teoria i praktyka dyplomacji w XXI wieku. Perspektywa Polski/EU-Russia relations in the 21st century. Polish perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Stosunki UE - Rosji w XXI wieku. Polska perspektywa/ EU-Russia relations in the 21st century. Polish perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Stosunki UE – Rosja w XXI wieku. Perspektywa Rosji/ EU-Russia relations in the 21st century. Russian perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Stereotypy a międzynarodowe migracje w XXI wieku. Perspektywa Polski/ Stereotypes and international migration in the 21st century. Polish perspective

  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn
  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Nowy wymiar współpracy transgranicznej. Perspektywa Rosji/ New dimension of cross-border cooperation. Russian perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Stereotypy a międzynarodowe migracje w XXI wieku. Perspektywa Rosji/ Stereotypes and international migration in the 21st century. Russian perspective

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research

Mały ruch graniczny i współpraca transgraniczna. Perspektywa rosyjska i polska Local border traffic and cross-border cooperation. Polish and Russian perspective

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research

Obwód Kaliningradzki w stosunkach międzynarodowych/ Kaliningrad Region in international relations

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Państwo i samorząd terytorialny a stosunki międzynarodowe. Perspektywa rosyjska/ State and local government and international relations. Russian perspective

  • Activity: 4 Lectures presenting the results of research
  • Activity: 5 Summer school in Olsztyn

Polityczne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania enklaw na świecie / Political conditions of the functioning of enclaves in the world

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Regiony i stosunki międzynarodowe. Perspektywa rosyjska/ Regions and international relations. Russian perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Regiony w polityce światowej – w kierunku dyscypliny naukowej „polityczna regionalistyka” / Regions in the world politics – towards of discipline "regionology". Russian perspective

  • Activity: 8 Academic conference

Furthermore, the mentioned analyses were also supposed to be used in the preparation of books and journal, which however in the end were not issued.



Close neighbours in the 21st century – new communication and perception

Arkadiusz Żukowski, Local border traffic and cross-border cooperation. European Union perspective [pdf]

Olga Wasiuta, EU-Russia relations in the 21st century. Polish perspective [pdf]


New dimensions of diplomacy in the 21st century

Arkadiusz Żukowski, New dimension of cross-border cooperation. Polish perspective [pdf]

Olga Wasiuta, Theory and practice of diplomacy in the 21st century. Russian perspective [pdf]


Gender in international relations – global, regional and local perception

Arkadiusz Żukowski, Theory and practice of diplomacy in the 21st century [pdf]

Olga Wasiuta, Regions and international relations. Polish perspective [pdf]


International migration – Polish and Russian perspective

Arkadiusz Żukowski, Stereotypes and international migration in the 21st century. Polish perspective [pdf]

Olga Wasiuta, Stereotypes and international migration in the 21st century. Russian perspective [pdf]


Cross-border cooperation in the 21st century

Arkadiusz Żukowski, Social and economic implications of the local border traffic [pdf]

Olga Wasiuta, New dimension of cross-border cooperation. Russian perspective [pdf]


International relations of the Russian Regions – the case of Kaliningrad Region

Arkadiusz Żukowski, Political implications of the local border traffic [pdf]

Olga Wasiuta, EU-Russia relations in the 21st century. Russian perspective [pdf]



"Journal of the Cross-border Studies” 2014, no. 1

Marcin Chełminiak, Foreign Policy of Poland and cross-border cooperation in the 21st century [pdf]

Marcin Chełminiak, International cooperation in the 21st century. Russia and the World [pdf]

Marcin Chełminiak, International cooperation in the 21st century – feminists perspective [pdf]

Marcin Chełminiak, Foreign Policy of Russia and cross-border cooperation in the 21st century [pdf]

Marcin Chełminiak, International cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st century. Polish perspective [pdf]

Marcin Chełminiak, International cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region in the 21st century. Russian perspective [pdf]

Wojciech Kotowicz, Regions in the world politics – towards of discipline "regionology". Russian perspective [pdf]

Wojciech Kotowicz, Regions and international relations. Russian perspective [pdf]

Wojciech Kotowicz, Political conditions of the functioning of enclaves in the world [pdf]

Wojciech Kotowicz, State and local government and international relations. Russian perspective [pdf]

Wojciech Kotowicz, Kaliningrad Region in international relations [pdf]

Wojciech Kotowicz, Local border traffic and cross-border cooperation. Polish and Russian perspective [pdf]


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