In addition, you may support the following activities during 22nd ESVP Congress. For purposes of budget estimation, please note that the costs are based on about 500 participants. The organizers are willing to discuss any other options for sponsorship.

  • Coffee breaks (Sponsors may provide mugs and napkins with company name and logo)
  • Gala Dinner
  • Welcome Reception (Sponsor's company name and logo in the hall)
  • Congress bags (Sponsor's company name and logo)
  • Name badges (Sponsor's company logo on the badge)
  • Advertising in the printed materials of ESVP Congress Program
  • Insertion of company leaflet in congress bags
  • Commercial lectures
  • Session sponsorship
  • Advertising (Power Point presentation before start of the sessions)
  • Sightseeing trips


Organizing Committee of the 21 Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology - Dublin, Ireland

Polish Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons
Warmia and Mazury Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons

22nd Meeting
of the
European Society of
Veterinary Pathology

Olsztyn - Poland
15-18 September 2004

6th Meeting
of the
European Society
of Veterinary
Clinical Pathology /
uropean College
of Veterinary
Clinical Pathology and
ontinuing Education Day
15-18 September 2004


22nd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology
Olsztyn - Poland 15-18 September 2004

European Society of Veterinary Pathology and European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
in cooperation with
Polish Society of Pathologists and Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association

Webmaster: Marcin Nowicki