All selected oral presentations have already been included in the Preliminary Programme.

The Abstracts accepted by the Scientific Committee as oral presentations will be held during the Sessions. Time for oral presentation - 10 min and 5 min for discussion. The equipment required for the oral presentation will be provided by the organizers.

The authors of oral presentations are kindly requested by the organisers and technical services of the Congress Centre to send their presentations on the CD-roms to the Congress Secretariat till August the 31st, 2004.
It will help us a lot with organisation.
The presentations on the CD-roms will be also collected at the registration desk during the Congress.


22nd Meeting
of the
European Society of
Veterinary Pathology

Olsztyn - Poland
15-18 September 2004

6th Meeting
of the
European Society
of Veterinary
Clinical Pathology /
uropean College
of Veterinary
Clinical Pathology and
ontinuing Education Day
15-18 September 2004


22nd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology
Olsztyn - Poland 15-18 September 2004

European Society of Veterinary Pathology and European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
in cooperation with
Polish Society of Pathologists and Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association

Webmaster: Marcin Nowicki