ADL Workshop within NATO DEEP Azerbaijan

Polish Naval Academy named after the Heroes of Westerplatte in Gdynia hosted, December 07-09, 2019, the ADL Workshop. The event was supported by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The agenda was preliminary agreed between NATO and AZE side. Two representatives from Azerbaijan Republic War College of the Armed Forces (ARWCAF) in Baku participated. NATO DEEP ADL Portal team acted as the SMEs. The aforementioned Portal was used as the key vehicle for the purposes of the workshop. During the event, no problems or technical difficulties occurred.

Following the respective suggestions, formulated in After Action Report from the previous ADL Workshop within NATO DEEP AZE (timeframe 8-10 JUL 2019), the main goal was to familiarise the participants with the installation process of the LMS ILIAS platform. Also, the live-demo sessions using Adobe Connect (AC) application was organised, followed by a Q&A session. Within the key domain of the workshop, following activities were conducted, as the preparatory undertakings: firstly - a new virtual server in VirtualBox was created, secondly - a Linux system (Ubuntu 16.04) on the virtual server was installed, thirdly - a http server, php server and experimental environment in http server were created. Finally, it was possible to install LMS ILIAS 5.4 platform and make it operational. Due to the specificity and complexity of the aforementioned process, certain steps/ actions were repeated in accordance with the needs expressed by the AZE participants. The live-demo sessions involving AC were also conducted during three days of the workshop. The participants acted as the teachers and group participants, to better understand the functionalities of the application. The software was appropriately introduced in a workshop format. During the workshop, most important facts from the history of the PNA were presented as well as information on the type of higher education provided. The process of e-learning implementation into regular teaching and training process at the PNA was described. The platform “eduPortal” was presented and crucial functionalities discussed. On the final day, the courtesy meeting with the Rector-Commandant of the PNA - RAdm. Prof. Tomasz SZUBRYCHT, Ph.D. took place and the certificates of completion of the workshop had been handed out.